“Message from the Founder – Santosh Sunar
As the Founder and President of Manzoku Japan Educational Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., my journey from Nepal to Japan was both challenging and transformative. Studying at the Japan University of Economics as an international student, I encountered numerous obstacles—language barriers, cultural differences, and the overwhelming feeling of being far from home. There were times when I felt lost and uncertain, unsure of how to navigate the complexities of life in Japan. But each challenge taught me valuable lessons and ultimately shaped my resilience and determination.
This painful yet powerful journey sparked the creation of Manzoku. I founded this consultancy with one goal in mind: to guide Nepali students through the journey I once struggled with, ensuring they have the support, resources, and expertise needed to thrive in Japan.
"Empowering students to study, work, and succeed in Japan isn't just my mission—it’s my passion. I am committed to opening doors for Nepali youth, helping them transform their dreams into reality."
Through Manzoku, I want to make sure no student ever has to face these challenges alone. Together, we’ll pave the way for a bright future in Japan, filled with endless possibilities.”
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January 15
We are incredibly proud of the wonderful work Manzoku Japan Educational Consultancy is doing. suanr’s dedication and passion to helping students achieve their dreams in Japan are truly inspiring. 'Success is built on hard work, passion, and perseverance.' Wishing you continued success, and we look forward to future opportunities for collaboration."
"私たちはManzoku Japan Educational Consultancyが行っている素晴らしい活動に非常に誇りを感じています。スナル さんの学生たちが日本で夢を実現するための献身と情熱は本当に感動的です。「成功は努力、情熱、そして忍耐によって築かれる。」 今後の更なる成功をお祈り申し上げ、今後の協力の機会を楽しみにしています。"
大阪観光ビジネス日本語学校 理事長